Ballet Dancer Beauty Spa! FREE



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Your first solo ballet dance is coming up, and you’re so nervous! One of the other girls mentioned you should hit the spa for some pampering before the big night.As a ballerina, your first ballet solo is a very big deal for you. This has been your dream since you were a little girl starting your first dance class. You need to get ready, and the spa sounds like the perfect place to do just that while helping your nerves.
How to Play:
• You’re finally getting the chance to be a prima ballerina• Your first solo dance is tonight!• The spa is the perfect place for getting ready• Spa facial treatments are a good start• Get the perfect show makeup to accent your outfit• Play dress up with all the amazing ballerina costumes available• Go out on stage and wow the crowd!Your day is going to go so smoothly when you visit the salon. There’s nothing like having someone treat you like royalty to relax you before your big solo dance. Your ballet company will be happy that they’ve finally given you a chance to be the star! Download today to get started!